Journal and Article Discovery Made Easy
Today’s users expect an intuitive, time-saving experience when searching for journals and articles. With Full Text Finder (FTF) library users enjoy as much. FTF delivers a predictive search experience and includes a host of features from responsive auto-complete ranked by popularity of titles, to known-item search, to full-text linking, relevance ranking, and discipline-specific browsing.
Full Text Finder delivers a modern experience by providing:
- Seamless Discovery Integration - A single place for users to conduct standard discovery as well as known-item citation lookup in a seamless and integrated manner.
- Responsive Auto-complete - The most advanced auto-complete technology in the industry. It anticipates what a user is looking for, eliminates the need to navigate an antiquated alphabet directory, and does away with the endless hunt-and-peck browsing to find a specific title. As such, FTF is orders of magnitude faster and more efficient for library users.
- Publication-Targeted Full Text Search - The ability for users to quickly and easily target their search to the full text within a title.
- Discipline-Specific Browse - A simplified subject browse with built-in searching, eliminating a place where most users traditionally give up when they try to find titles related to a particular topic.
- State-of-the-Art Linking - Seamless integration of OpenURL linking and smartlinks that are guaranteed to get users directly to the full text without traditional linker menus.
- Faceting of Publication Search Results - The ability for users to quickly narrow search results to only those that are most relevant.
Full Text Finder Tutorial
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