EndNote x9 is a bibliographic software program, used by millions of researchers, faculty, and students to search Internet libraries, organize references and create instant bibliographies. EndNote enables you to collect and download your references from online catalogs and databases for inclusion in presentations and papers.
- Endnote X9 is an online search tool - it provides a simple way to search online bibliographic databases and retrieve the references directly into Endnote. (Endnote can also import data files saved from a variety of online services, CD-ROMs, and library databases.)
- Endnote X9 is a reference and image database - it specializes in storing, managing, searching for bibliographic references in your private reference library. You can organize images - including charts, table, figures, and equations - and assign each image its own caption and keywords.
- Endnote is a bibliography and menuscript maker- it formats citations, figures, and tables in Microsoft Word with the Cite While You Write feature. Watch the reference, figure, and table lists grow as you insert citations in your manuscript. Microsoft Word templates guide you through the exacting manuscript requirements of publishers.
- You can also create bibliographies using RTF Document Scan with other word processors.
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Endnote X9 for Windows Installation Guide
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